Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movies To Love For, Whip It!

Late but better than never!

I was hella busy this weekend and wasn't able to sit and do my Saturday Segment "Movies To Love For" but since i have a window of time open right now, well its obvious so i should probably just get to it!

My pick for this (last =[ ) week is Whip It!!  This flick screams girl power and adversity!

Every time i watch it i wanna throw some skates on and go kick some serious ass! Too bad i don't own any skates... or know how to skate.. To do list?? could be!

There are so many familiar faces in this movie like Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore who not only has a fantastically funny role in this movie but also directed it! check her out!

This flick is about a 17 year old girl named Bliss, shes a native Texan so her mom urges her to be in pageants.  Bliss hates them! shes more of an "alternative" gal (ha ha).  One day while out buying boots that her mother doesn't approve of Bliss stumbles on a flier for Roller Derby! I'm sure you can guess what comes next =] YES! she joins the team and starts a new adventure, finds love, comes up with a kick ass derby name (Babe Ruthless) and in the end of the flick some clarity.  I give this movie a enormous thumbs up! I recommend it to everyone! please watch it and let me know what you thought!

Girl Power & Sk8's!

--Sunny Clementine


  1. I need to see this!! I love Ellen Page.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is such a good movie! you will LOVE it! trust me, you will be making up a roller derby name in no time if you do watch it haha

  4. This has reminded me that I still haven't seen this movie! It seems fun to watch :).

  5. It is! its so much fun. Its one of those movies that makes you wanna get out and do something out of the ordinary!
