Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday =]

Happy Mothers Day to all of the wonderful mothers out there!

You are all incredible to me! 

1.   What I love most about my home is:   The amazing feeling i get when i walk through my front door, kick off my shoes, hug my puppies and lay down to relax.  Its like an instant comfort. 
2.  I'm excited because:    I am almost done with this semester! then i get to spend the summer working at my new job, crafting and thrifting! getting ready for my booth at the local farmers market every Thursday!.

3.  My preferred method for blowing  off steam when I'm frustrated is:  To watch a good movie, something i absolutely love and that inspires me completely.  Lately its been musical films like Sweeney Todd and Hairspray.  But at this very moment I'm wanting to watch Almost Famous. 

4.  Currently I am craving: Sweet tea! I'm addicted to it and crave it a terrible much.  Its perfect on hot sunny days like today.  

5.  The thing I love most about my mom is:  Everything, she is the best person i know in the whole entire world.  No matter how badly i mess up my mum is always there to help me pick myself back up again.   Sometimes i get mad at her for being so hard on me but then i realize that she just feels i can do so much more, that inspires me so much. I love you my crazy, wonderful mother! 
6.  If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be:   A tragic love story with a happy ending.  Some may think i made bits and pieces of it up but no, Ive just lived foolishly and i do not recommend it.

7.  If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be: Pizza, pizza all the way! i could eat pizza everyday and i would be the happiest (fat) girl in the world! Pineapple pizza is my favorite, and though its not good for me, i love to dip it in ranch dressing! MmMmmm....

 Penny Lane <3

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vintage dreamin' (picture heavy)

 Vintage Vanities!

Ive been on the hunt for one for a few years and i have yet to find one that i absolutely love, or, can afford. 

Sure i see new ones in stores often but they just don't carry that certain charm that vintage ones do.  
I often day dream about how i would decorate it and where i would place it in my bedroom and how
i would move things around so that everything would flow just right.

Isn't there just something dreamy about a vanity? 
I cant wait till i find the vintage vanity of my dreams! 

till then, I'm on the hunt! 

Soon to come is a list of the special little things i look for when out thrifting 
and hitting up yard sales!

Thrift stores and yard sales, 
Penny Lane